- Table of contents:
- Export of saffron to Belgium
- Saffron price in Belgium
- Calculating the price of saffron
- Factors on price of saffron
- Contract to buy saffron
- Saffron in Europe
Saffron export to Europe
Exporting saffron to Belgium and entering the city of Brussels is very important for traders.
Saffron is exported to Belgium by the Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business Companies in Europe.
Here, the price of saffron in Belgium is given to you in Tomans and dollars and krone.
Saffron price in Belgium

The price of saffron in Belgium is in krone.
One-gram packages are sold on Belgian store sites for between 7 and 9 euros. In some shops, two grams of saffron are sold for 16 euros.
If you want to buy in bulk, the prices are definitely lower.
Sales price of saffron and products of Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business Companies in Belgium for Negin exporting saffron per kilo is 1,120.up to $ 1,500,
Calculating the price of saffron
But how much is the exporting saffron in Belgium?
The price of exporting saffron in Iran and in Belgian market (and of course in any other country) depends on various factors.
It is not a precise and valid basis for anyone to tell you exactly what price you can sell in Belgium.
Factors on price of saffron
Because the price of saffron is determined by the factors that are:
1.Type of saffron
2. The quality of saffron
3. Saffron standards
4. Saffron packaging
5. The amount of saffron trade
6. Methods of sending to Belgium
7. Saffron delivery method in Belgium
Contract to buy saffron
8. Buyer of saffron in Belgium (real or legal)
9. Contract duration
10. Type of contract
11. Saffron brand power
12. Services provided by the company or the seller
13. Methods and principles of marketing and negotiation
14. Etc.
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Saffron in Europe

Belgium is a member of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, and the World Trade Organization.
Iran’s sanctions severely affect trade relations between Iran and Belgium.
So that the statistics show a decrease in relations and a sharp decline in Iran’s exports.
The professor of economics at the University of Belgium blames EU sanctions on Iran for the decline.
For these reasons, Iranian companies have many obstacles to exporting different types of saffron to Belgium.