What is the price of saffron per kilo in Indonesia?
To buy saffron in Jakarta, contact the Saffron King Business company.
In the following, we will consider the price list of saffron sales in the saffron wholesale market in Indonesia.
Saffron wholesale in Indonesia

Wholesale saffron in Indonesia
You can buy saffron in different wights
The lowest weight traded in bulk saffron sales is one kilogram.
Representatives of Saffron King Business company in Indonesia and Germany, the Netherlands, France, New Zealand, etc. are ready to serve you dear ones.
In the following, you can see the price list of saffron per kilo in weights of 1 to 100 kg and select the option you want.
We provide you the formal contract on 100kg of saffron
Saffron selling price list

In this section, you can see the price list of saffron sales in the wholesale saffron market in Indonesia and select the option you want.
1. Prices vary depending on the type of saffron
2. The price of saffron varies depending on the order.
(The price of saffron for weights from 1 to 10 kg and 10 to 25 kg and 25 to 50 kg and 50 to 100 kg
3. We produce saffron and will not fluctuate in price for a month.
4. In the following, the price of saffron per kilo in dollars and euros i
5. If we export saffron to your destination country, the prices will be in dollars and euros.
(Customs fees, customs formalities, insurance, taxes, analysis, etc. are calculated on the price of saffron)
Buying and selling saffron

Our companies are active in the field of saffron wholesale sales in Indonesia and other countries, and it is possible for all companies to sell with their brand name in Iran or in other countries after receiving saffron and the necessary international certificates from us.
Commercial companies that intend to sell wholly or partly domestically or in other countries, can receive their order in the default packaging of our company or on their own packaging (by order and by circulation).
Based on the capacity of our company, ready to cooperate with domestic and foreign industrial companies that are either consumer or exporter, under a formal contract (quarterly / six-month / one-year / three-year / five-year … )
Personal cooperation

As the price of saffron is changing every day, the terms of delivery and prices will be updated according to the same time frame.
Provisional certificates will only be available for export with the same expiry date.
Required documents for temporary export will be shipped with the order.
Buying saffron in Jakarta

Saffron King business Company is active in the field of saffron sales and exports.
But how is buying saffron in Jakarta?
1. First of all, if you want a special type of saffron, we will present it to you.
Or if you want, we can offer you saffron that we produce for the Indonesian market and offer in this market.
2. In the second step, when registering an order, depending on the volume requested, you can receive your order as CIf or FOB in the shortest time.