In the field of saffron export, there is a very important point that most newcomers in this field do not know, and the reason for their lack of profit from trade is that:
Each country and the different markets of each country demand a specific type of saffron, and according to the type of use of saffron in various uses in the food and pharmaceutical industries, etc.,
1.We are a producer of saffron and we can offer you different types of saffron and different quality grades at reasonable and different prices.
2. If you order, we will present you any amount of saffron you want in Iran or in the destination country.
Sales price of exporting saffron

We upload the selling price of exporting saffron per kilo is on the website of Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business Companies.
In the New Year, the price of saffron per kilo in Iran and the world market has fluctuated a lot.
In the following, we will consider the price of saffron per kilo in 2021.
Under these circumstances, the saffron market is almost completely closed, and all sales and purchases have been postponed until the world’s corona disease subsides.
Saffron per kilo in 2021

In this section:
The purchase and sale price of exporting saffron per kilo in 1400 had a downswing.
With the start of the New Year and the spread of Covid-19 coronavirus, saffron market faced a serious crisis.
The price of saffron per kilo in this market has dropped sharply in 2021 , so that the dollar value of each kilogram
Price of first class saffron per kilo

1. Negin saffron: (Super Negin, Exporting Negin, Ordinary Negin, Like Negin)
2. Sargol saffron : ( Exporting Sargol, Best Sargol, Excellent Sargol, Ordinary Sargol)
3. Pushal saffron: (Exporting Poushal, Pen Poushal, Ordinary Poushal, Weak Poushal)
Each of these types of saffron is divided into 4 categories, each of which is first class.
Of course, the price of each of these saffron is different.
Sales price of exporting saffron per kilo in Iran

How much is the purchase price of exporting saffron in Iran?
The price of exporting saffron has always been higher than other saffron in Iran.
In the following, the price list of exporting saffron for weights of 1 to 100 kg is available to you.
Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business Companies are producer and exporter of various types of saffron.
The price of saffron in Iran fluctuates every day. But the price of exporting saffron per kilo in this company, unlike the Iranian saffron market, changes on a monthly basis.
Saffron King Business Company

In Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business Companies, the price of kilo saffron varies according to the order quantity.
Here you can see the price list of saffron for weights of 1 to 10 and 10 kg to 25 kg and 25 to 50 kg and 50 to 100 kg of saffron and select the option you want.
Orders over 100 kg are shipped in 100 kg parts.
Please note that the prices are in Tomans for the delivery of saffron in Iran and the prices are in dollars and Euros for the delivery of saffron in the destination country.