What is the price of saffron in the saffron market today and how much is the purchase price of saffron?
In the saffron market of Tehran and Mashhad the price per kilo of saffron has fluctuated.
These days, the price of saffron sales and the purchase of saffron in the saffron market has gone down.
See the price of saffron daily in the list below.
In the following we will examine the difference between the purchase price of saffron in Iran and the conditions of purchase in different countries.
Thank you so much for joining us.
What is the price of saffron today?
As you know, the price of saffron in the saffron market has changed a bit recently.
Today the price of saffron is announced on the Saffron King Business website.
In today’s price list you can see saffron and the price of saffron.
How much is the price of saffron in Europe?
The price of saffron depends on different reasons.
For example, 2 types of saffron orchards
Amount of demand and purchase of saffron
Contract provisions
Country of origin of saffron
Customer Destination
Type of company services and … .
Saffron Price List
Price of saffron in the market. Today’s price of saffron in the market ? How much does per kilo saffron cost? (price per kilogram of saffron).click below to see the price list of saffron:
What is the best price to buy saffron?
The first thing to note after interacting with the Saffron King Business companies is the variety of products and prices in the company.
Wholesale prices of saffron varieties range from 11.000 to 12.500 thousand Tomans and vary from 9.000 to 11.000 thousand Tomans.
The best exported saffron are Super Negin, Negin, Sargol and Poshal saffron.
The price for each type of saffron is different
Please note that each of these types of saffron is divided into different quality grades.
The price of each type of saffron is different. Please note these prices are for purchase and delivery within Iran.
Saffron purchase price and delivery in destination country vary according to export process.
What to consider when buying bulk saffron?
The type and quality of saffron is directly related to the price of saffron. The lowest quality of exported saffron is 2 million USD and the highest quality of exported saffron is 5 million USD. However, this price in the saffron market for the first six months of the year 2020.
Currency prices affect the major price of exported saffron (this red gold).
The prices of bulk saffron packages vary. (Saffron is vulnerable and should be subject to special sealing to maintain the quality and appearance of bulk saffron)
Price and quantity of saffron
Corporate prices are different. You can get your saffron directly from our office in Iran or our representative office in other countries.
Having a health product license is effective on the price of saffron.
But the most important factor in determining the price is the order quantity. Depending on the order quantity, you will be sure to receive saffron with special discounts.
Sales details of different sort of saffron export in our company:
In the market of buying and exporting saffron, people create a lot of confusion when receiving the major price of saffron and buying saffron because of the lack of familiarity with many different types of saffron. For your better choice, we will give you free advice so you can choose the best one with open eyes. Advice has many parts:
Best type of saffron
Which type of saffron is the best choice for your country? How to get your order to the destination in the shortest time? Given the different backgrounds of demand in different countries, which type of saffron is best welcomed by the target population? And….
The most hidden fraud in the wholesale market for saffron
Saffron is the most luxurious export item in Iran. Because of the precious saffron, the market for this product is not hidden from the cheaters. The most secret and hidden fraud in buying and selling a kilo of saffron is:
Some people are looking for a cheap, quality product, right on the market with some mixing different types of saffron (such as one kilo of Super Negin saffron with a few kilos of Safflower or Safflower Saffron) calling this
product a premium saffron. Sell lower.
While the audience looks like saffron, the qualities are different. And this is the most covert fraudulent sale of saffron and unfortunately it is very common.
What is the safest way to buy exported saffron?
Because of the high cost of saffron, we will tell you the safest way to buy exported saffron at the lowest cost.
Be sure to ask our company or sales person to send you a sample of saffron
Since you are going to buy bulk saffron so better.
Contact our sales consultants to buy saffron right now