What is the price of each kilo of Afghan saffron in the market?
Saffron flowers have been used as medicines.
In October every year is the season of saffron flower harvest.
Do you know how much is the exporting saffron in Europe?
Cost of saffron per kilo in western markets is 1500$.
This is the price of saffron in kilo.
Of course, price of buying saffron depends on many factors.
The price of each gram of saffron in the online saffron store is between 5 and 7 euros

Price per kilo of saffron
Due to the increase in saffron cultivation and saffron export in Afghanistan, the price is rising.
Saffron price are regularly uploaded on the site and on the Telegram Channel of Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business Companies.
Please note that between about 300 ton of annual saffron production in Iran, less than 1% are completely organic.
In Afghanistan, only organic saffron is cultivated.

Organic and inorganic saffron
Organic and inorganic saffron are no different in appearance.
The major differences between organic and inorganic saffron are identified in laboratory.
Of course, the process that saffron goes through during the process of saffron cultivation is very effective in determining its quality.
Generally no chemicals are used in the whole process of cultivation of organic saffron.
Chemicals mean that in addition to fertilizers and chemical solutions, there are no contaminants on saffron crest.
The purchase and sale price of saffron in the market depends on several factors

Difference In saffron prices
Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world.
While various countries such as Afghanistan, Morocco and … cultivate saffron, the capital of saffron cultivation is in Iran.
This product has a certain price in Iran, but we still see different prices in the market.
In the field of saffron export various factors are effective in determining the price of different types of exporting saffron, such as:
1. Quality of saffron
2. Type of saffron
3. Customs certificates provided by companies
4. Order quantity
5. Analyzes on saffron
6. Saffron brands

Saffron buying methods
Another advantage of buying the saffron in kilo from this company is that, you buy from a manufacturer of saffron that the prices change monthly here, unlike the daily Iranian market, and this company directly sells the saffron in your destination country.
We are proud to be able to deliver your order in destination country in the shortest time.
The selling price of saffron per kilo of Afghan saffron is uploaded on our website.

Saffron King Business
We are the wholesaler of saffron
In Iran and Afghanistan, we plant saffron
We export Iranian saffron and Afghan saffron to the whole world.
The sample of saffron in Saffron King Business company is 250 grams.
In addition, the price of each kilo of saffron is uploaded daily on our site.
Contact us to buy saffron
The price of different types of saffron in the market is different
Contact us to buy Iranian saffron and Afghan saffron