What is the day price of saffron per kilo in the wholesale saffron market?
In the following, we will consider the day price of wholesale saffron.
We op load The purchase price of bulk saffron is regularly on the website of Saffron King Business Company.
We are producer and exporter of saffron
Major saffron day prices
The price of saffron per kilo is between $ 944 and $ 1457.
Saffron KIng Business sells Ghaenat saffron (saffron grown in Ghaenat neighborhood) and in the table below, the price of saffron that is offered in the market is given to you for 1 to 10 kg weight for different types of saffron.
buying saffron per kilo
The most important factor when buying saffron is the purity of saffron (this is one of the most important factors in the difference in prices in the saffron market.
We have created this situation for you to receive saffron, the most suitable according to your consumption.
In the field of saffron export, we can also provide you with the most widely used saffron that we produce and export for your target market.
Another point that is mentioned in abundance in the saffron market is the appearance of saffron that the stigmas must be healthy.
And the fifth factor is the aroma of saffron that saffron (crop year) has more aroma than saffron last year.
Wholesale saffron
We do he transaction of a kilo saffron weights of more than one kilo. To send a sample in the wholesale market, the minimum amount of 250 grams (one quarter of a kilo) will be sent so that you can easily compare the volume of saffron. Variety of saffron is produced in this company and we offer saffron in bulk in the market.
Youi can contact our experts to buy a kilo of saffron and receive your order in the destination country.
Buying and selling bulk saffron
In the above section, we considered the price of saffron and the minimum weight traded in the wholesale saffron in the market.
we publish the daily rate of buying and selling saffron is regularly on the website of Saffron King Business Company