What are the prices of saffron varieties today?
See the chart below for the price of saffron.
The price of saffron in Mashhad market can be found below.
Saffron price charts are uploaded daily to the World Saffron king business Company website.
The price of buying saffron and selling the saffron in the market has changed slightly in August 1398.
Here’s a look at the sales price of saffron and the reason for the difference in the sales price of saffron.
Price of saffron
Saffron price chart
What are the prices of saffron varieties today?
As mentioned in the previous section, the chart of saffron prices and the prices of saffron varieties today in the saffron market in Tehran have fluctuated.
Our experts upload prices and rates of saffron daily to this site.
Dear Companions, You can get a variety of saffron through our advertising campaigns and our company program.
Today the price of saffron has changed slightly. In the price chart of saffron varieties you will find a list of the types of saffron rates.
Saffron sale price
One of the questions about saffron is how to determine the price of buying and selling saffron ?!
In this section we examine the types of saffron.
click this link for saffron sale price:
Contact us to buy saffron
Types of saffron
Super Negative Saffron
Negin saffron export
Sargol saffron
Premium Sargol saffron
Poshal saffron
But how do the prices of saffron be determined?
Any company – farmers – saffron dealers and … puts any price on the saffron.
This is one of the major challenges in pricing saffron.
Prices are also announced from the borough market, but the saffron traded in the saffron market is very different.
How determine the price of saffron?
What is the reason for the difference in prices of saffron varieties?
Saffron has different types and brands.
You can see the price of the saffron varieties in the section above and now we will examine the reason for the difference in the selling price of the saffron.
Saffron king business Company is active in the field of production and sale of exported saffron.
There are several factors that cause the difference in the purchase price of saffron in the export field, including
Characteristic of saffron
The quality of saffron is characterized by its purity, impurity, color and strands of saffron.
Types of saffron include Super Negin, Export Negative, Sorgol and …
Saffron extract that is the color and flavor of different types of saffron.
Weight and order quantity can be in kilo and bulk.
Currency and dollar price fluctuations are significant in Iran and Tehran markets.
Type and quality of saffron packaging which export packages are of high quality.
Customs and international certificates issued for consumption abroad.
The prices of the supplier companies also vary.
different types of saffron
Understanding the types of saffron and its differences
You dear companions know that there are different types of saffron on the market, and of course the prices are different, as you see in today’s saffron price chart.
Worldwide Saffron king business Company offers this product to its customers in various categories.
Of all the variants offered, the three most commonly used words are bunch, peach and sage. The basis of all these categories is what part of the saffron flower string is present in the product.
In fact, the variety of saffron does not refer to the segmentation, place of production or packing company or variety of saffron cultivation, and this only refers to the red and yellow sections of the saffron strand.
Buying and selling saffron
Buying and selling saffron king business Company
The company is the export center of saffron export. Buying and selling price of saffron export in our company is affordable.
There are various companies involved in exporting and selling saffron. These companies offer saffron in two major and minor ways.
saffron king business Company has the following differences:
Saffron king business company
We have agricultural land in Iran and Afghanistan and produce saffron.
In our company the sale of saffron is reasonable because we supply the saffron without intermediaries.
We will deliver your order quantities from one gram to one kilo.
Our focus is on saffron exports.
We have active representatives in different countries.
We can both in Iran and in different countries, depending on your destination