In this topic you read the followings:
- Saffron price list
- Today’s price of saffron
- Saffron production and import
- Saffron price in the wholesale market
- The price list of bulk saffron

What is the price list of saffron in the saffron sales center? Day price of saffron per kilo in the market and the daily price of saffron per gram in Tomans and dollars are available on the website of Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business Companies.
Today’s price of saffron

The price of saffron in Iran is affected by many factors that caused the price of saffron to fluctuate on a daily basis.
What is the day price of saffron in Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business Companies?
The day price of saffron in the Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King business Companies does not change daily.
Saffron production and import

We are a producer and exporter of saffron, and the market control experts in this company are trying to offer you the prices with the least fluctuation.
Therefore, the day price of saffron in this company is not on a daily basis, but on a monthly basis.
For example, the purchase price of saffron from this company is different from the previous month and the next month.
Saffron price in the wholesale market

What is the day price of saffron per kilo in the wholesale market?
In general, the current price of saffron per kilo from the wholesale market is between 9,000,000 Tomans to 14,000,000.
But what is the difference in the price of saffron per kilo today?
The price list of bulk saffron

Day price of saffron per gram Day price of saffron per gram varies in most cities.
Usually, the purchase price of saffron in retail is higher than purchasing a kilo of saffron.
Factors that increase the day price of saffron per gram are:
1. Type and quality of saffron
2. Type of saffron packaging
3. Brand power
4. Demand rate
5. The purchasing power of the target community
6. Political and economic conditions inside Iran and outside Iran