Here you can see the day price of the saffron per kilo and choose the option you want.
The price of saffron varies depending on the quantity and type of saffron and the place of delivery (Iran or outside Iran).
Below you can see the day price list of saffron per kilo in weights from 1 to 10 kg and 10 to 25 kg and 25 to 50 kg and 50 to 100 kg and select your desired option.

We are a manufacturer of saffron, so our prices will not fluctuate over a month.
But the price of saffron this month is slightly different from the previous month and the next.
Price fluctuations in saffron?
1. Depending on the type – quality and grade, prices are sometimes different.
2. Currency and dollar price fluctuations also affect the price of saffron per kilo.
(Of course these fluctuations inside Iran are more than other countries)
3. The type of packaging has an impact on pricing.
(Export packages have high quality)
4. Of course, the prices of the companies that supply the saffron are different.
5. Organic Saffron day prices each type of saffron is different double or triple
6. The purchase price of exporting Iranian saffron is between 18 and 23 million tomans

What is the price of saffron?
Because of the high cost of saffron, we will tell you the best way to buy exporting saffron at the lowest cost.
1. Be sure to ask the company or sales person to send you a sample of saffron
2. Because you intend to buy bulk saffron it is better to have a sample more than 200 grams and less than 500 grams.
3. Because in addition to the type of saffron you can see the quality and volume of saffron closely.

Why saffron doesn’t have a fix price?
As mentioned in the previous section, saffron export is directly related to the price of this product.
The next point is supply and demand.
The amount of saffron production and the amount of consumption and export of saffron affect the price of saffron and its purchase rate.
Unfortunately, there is no precise and reliable reference in the pricing of saffron.
Of course, the price of saffron brands on saffron is different.
Another factor affecting saffron prices is the lack of price controls.
For this reason, everyone puts on the products at whatever price they want.

Cost of exporting saffron per kilo
Brand of saffron affects the price of saffron.
Exporting saffron purchase rate and price of major saffron in Tehran market is not much different from Mashhad market.
Due to the importance of the capital and its million market, most of the saffron producers produce in Mashhad, but they are also present in Tehran.
This presence is in two ways: either they have a sales office in Tehran or they have agency there.
And each has a price list of their own saffron varieties. The saffron brands and the best reputable brand of saffron usually have branches and agency at several points.

Value of saffron in the market
Since the pole of exporting saffron market is in Mashhad, so buying and selling saffron in this province can determine the price of saffron.
Since saffron is a valuable and precious plant, some people want it cheaper and less expensive. In fact, they are looking for a price list of cheap saffron varieties.
The most important and hidden fraud in sale of Iranian exporting saffron is the mixing of two types of saffron. (Mixing first class saffron with lower class saffron).
In this case they offer saffron in the name of pure and Iranian exporting saffron at a lower price.

Price features in saffron?
As you know, and it is evident in the evidence, the export status of saffron in Iran has improved.
The saffron brand has always been important to customers, the best brands of saffron in Iran are handful.
Some saffron brands have television ads.
These saffron brands cost a lot of money to be seen.
But what makes a saffron brand a brand, is the quality of its products and services.

Best saffron suppliers
Almas Saffron Jahan and Saffron King Business are the best saffron brands that have long been active in the field of production and export of saffron, allowing you to choose the most profitable and best type of saffron by contacting our consultants (Due to demand background in Destination Country) and see your order closely.